Dance Class Schedule

2024 Fall: 9/3-2/3; 2025 Spring: 2/4-6/23

Call us now to register @ 647-691-5916

Class Naming Convention:

  • There are multiple classes for the same type and grade, deafferented by a different letter A,B,C,D after the class name.

  • RAD offers two weekly classes (a pair) for Primary grade and above. Each pair is taught by the same teacher and labeled with the same letters A, B, C, and D. The number 1 or 2 after the letter indicates the 1st or 2nd class of the pair within the same week. For instance, A-1 and A-2 are of the same pair. To ensure consistency, please choose the same pair of classes. Alternatively, you can select classes with different numbers from two different pairs, such as A-1 and B-2, to avoid repeating the content.

  • RAD A.F. and above classes have three classes per week.

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